WITI-TV, SUSSEX - An unemployed Sussex woman began taking time to turn her hobby into her dream just two months ago. Now, that dream has spawned an online store making enough money to end that woman's job search.

Two years ago Terri Fager started making doll clothing for her granddaughter, and in May her hobby became her full-time job. Fager and her daughter decided to team up and create Smiles-2-U-Doll Boutique. Fager says, "This is our time when we can both give it our full goal, with not having a job at the moment."

Fager sells her doll clothing online and at local craft fairs. She prides herself on making each dress unique, and selling her items at a reasonable price. "We keep our prices low, especially with today's, with the recession. It is something that people can still buy for their children that isn't going to cost a lot of money, but means something to them."

60-year-old Terri Fager says she never expected to become her own boss, but says she has no regrets. She now encourages others to take a risk and give their passion a try. "I would say if you do have that desire, just go for it. Start out small, and build it with that initial goal, and use your imagination."

Now that Fager has doll clothing mastered, she's expanding into doll furniture. Eventually Fager hopes to open a physical store instead of relying on e-commerce and craft fairs. "We really enjoy what we do, making little girls happy, especially when they're picking out the outfits themselves."

Take a look at the Smiles-2-U-Doll Ebay store.